Trust, Estate & Tax Attorneys
Dawson, Lordahl, Weisenmiller, PLLC is a small boutique of experienced Nevada attorneys who focus entirely on trusts and estates, probate, guardianship, tax law, nonprofits, and business law. We create effective and efficient strategies and structures to solve our client’s most pressing legal needs and to preserve our clients’ legacies. Call us to discuss how we may assist you, your family, or your business. Call us today at 702 476 6440. Our friendly staff is here to help answer your questions.
Attorney Profiles
John E. Dawson
Var Lordahl
Elizabeth Brickfield
Kendal Weisenmiller

Lara Findley

Jeff Cooper
Contact Us
Inquire today by filling out the form on the left and let’s start the discussion on how we might assist you, your family, or your business.
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